Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Last night I arrived in Israel and was met at the airport by Itamar, a cousin who I met years and years ago, but   could not have picked out of a line up if you had begged me to. We had become Facebook friends so that we would at least have each other's pictures but finding each other at the airport was still a fun adventure. He drove me to his sister Adi's place which is about 20 min by bus from the center of Tel Aviv. Adi, at least, I have met as an adult, so I recognized her immediately and, as is wonderful with family, she took me in as well. As I went to sleep, I realized that  Since that morning, I had heard Georgian, German (there was a German couple at the hostel) Farsi, English, Yiddish, Russian, and Hebrew. Not a bad day at all!

This morning, Gilli, another cousin, came down from her community in the North to get her cousin's help. I met Adi because she came to the states to be a part of "Seeds of Peace" a camp dedicated to dialog and understanding. They have a new program for artists and educators that Gilli wants to apply for, so we are sitting in Adi's living room putting our three heads together to help her make a resume and application that will make sense to an American.

This is a trend that I first noticed in Georgia and now am wondering about and interested in because of this process. In both High School and College, I had entire classes dedicated to creating a resume and packaging yourself for the job market. This is not something that seems to be taught in other parts of the world. In Georgia, there is a program for Georgian students, grades 11 and 12, to study for a year in America. The program is American, but Georgians, students and teachers alike, have no idea what they are looking for in a Resume, in a Letter of Recommendation, in anything. There was a period of time in the fall that almost every TLGer i knew had proofread several of the applications and came back cringing. A letter of recommendation I saw had a total of three sentences "(student) is strong English. She is good student. She is leader in class." That was it. I am very curious know what the hiring process is like in Georgia.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying our family in Israel!
    It's fun that your blog from Israel has Hebrew (and Yiddish) formatting, with the text right-justified and the end of each paragraph having the punctuation on the left!
    Have a great time, and love to all the family!
